Saturday, June 22, 2013

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 12 Day 85 RECAP

This week has taught me how to stay motivated and to overcome obstacles that may come in your way. This is life! Nobody said its going to be an easy road. I also have to be more diligent with writing my blog, this not only provides motivation later down the road for me and you but this is my chronicle of my journey that i'll will hopefully look back on fondly. The problems that arose was Tuesday night I went to my car at 10pm to head into work and my car won't start, my car has been acting up and I was basically trying to make it to Thursday to put it in the shop but apparently I didn't make it. So I've been tight with money particularly this week since I paid some major bills. The kicker is that I got a $75 ticket for not moving my car for alternate side of the street parking. Gotta love NY! Not having a car poses many problems for me. I need it to get to work along with to get to the gym. It bothers me more that I'm so close to wonderland and now can't make it to the friggin gym. I decided to take the bus which I thought was a good idea but since I workout twice a day that will cost me about $10 a day which right now isn't feasible. So I started to do the exercise videos that I have purchased at home. I have no problems when I'm working I can use the gym at work but I have to commute by train. But when I'm off for six days if I can't take the bus to the gym I have to workout at home, so far it's allowed me to keep up my workouts. When I weigh in on Sunday we will see if its enough. Enough particularly since I'm so close to wonderland. Stay tuned.....

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