Sunday, June 30, 2013

Weight Loss Journey Week 13 Day 92 RECAP

Today I am quite proud of myself. This is night four of eight pretty much workiing 12 hours shifts. I have a weigh in on Sunday but this Saturday I did alot of cardio. Breakfast I had fruit lunch I had to Mcdouble cheeseburgers and a sweet tea and skipped dinner completely due to the bad lunch, it was strictly a financial decision. My car repairs wiped me out. Later at night I did have a little eggplant, four mini cupcakes and a whole bunch of chips and dips along with some soda. On the cardiovascular front I am happy I walked three miles did two bouts of cardio after work and before my night shift. I burned a considerable amount of calories. Not proud of the late night snacking. Wish me luck on my Weigh In on Sunday. I took a picture today my legs are getting tomed. Stay Tuned....

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 13 Day 90 RECAP

So there is a update to my car. The engine is NOT ruined, there are some problems like 1600dollars worth of problems, but I can get 900 dollars worth of immediate problems fixed and get my car back. I really ca't complain. Today was a good day as far as workouts, I got a little sleep but today is only day two of eight. So I am fresh as a daisy. This morning for breakfast I had a special k red berry cereal with whole milk, lunch and Dinner I had a total of three sliced of pizza with peppers and soda. My ONEderland gift to myself (two slices at lunch on slice for dinner). This morning I did to 70 minutes of the elliptical and walked 30 minutes to the train 1.65 miles to get home and walked 30 mminutes to get back to work. So my cardio for the day is done. Tomorrow I hope to duplicate but do the cardio in the evening and to 30 day shred at home plus the one hour walk. I have also fell in love with a new app AMAZING! Today was a good day. Stay Tuned.....

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 13 Day 89 RECAP

Well ladies and gentleman I am in ONEderland. Its been a long almost three months, working out twice a day to lose 34 pounds and have 35 to go. Hopefully I will lose it at the same rate. I doubt it since I have not yet hit a plateau, the dreaded plateau. My official weigh in is Sunday but I did today since T.O.M. is gone. I hope to be 195 by Sunday but beggers can't be choosers. So there is a pic of my ONEderland weight. So excited I can hardly Stand it!!!! Today is a wonderful day. Breakfast I had toast with butter two slices, lunch I had a McDouble Cheeseburger and a Sweet Tea (my ONEderland gift to myself) and Dinner had a grilled burger at work on wheat bread with a salad. I walked 30 minutes to work and did 65 minutes of the Elliptical at level 12 and 13. Very Exciting day and to better remember it today my son is 15 months old. My little guy is getting so big, I practically lost him in weight. My car is isn the shop no word yet on the damamge wish me luck. Stay Tuned...

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 13 Day 88 RECAP

This Tuesday was a great day workout wise for me. Today I did get alot of things done. I have also decided to be a little more focused and organized when it comes to my finances and daily tasks I need to complete. I make a daily task list of things that need to be completed. This morning was a HOT one, so it prevented me from doing outside activities like walking with Jayden. Or taking him to the park. I did call the row truck got my car towed and pray for me that the car is salvageable. In the morning I did to 30 Day shred which I'm finding to be easier and easier once my squats form becomes better I can progress to level two and it hasn't been a week yet! Yahoo! Then i did 6 week six pack which I made it 1/2 way through without losing form and endurance. I don't particularly like this DVD as much. Breakfast I had toast with Jelly and water. Lunch I had tuna fish with a little mayo on toasted bread and dinner I had a McDouble Cheeseburger and a sweet tea. I still was under my calories for the day. Spent time with my son all day and at around 10PM decided to get my second workout it. I did Tae Bo BootCamp Inferno for 55 minutes of cardio and I really enjoyed it! There is a photo shot of all the exercises that I did today. T.o.m. Is almost gone but has been here since Friday night! Stay Tuned!!!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 12 Weigh In

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 12 Day 87 RECAP

Well today exercise wise I smashed it. I not only worked out Saturday evening before work, worked a 12 hour shift but did 65 minutes of cardio on the elliptical. Then walked 30 minutes to the train to get home. I eventually caught up on a few hours of sleep then did 30 day shred. I've been fighting T.O.M. Tooth and nail trying not to gain weight but I've been unsuccessful. Breakfast I had fruit, lunch I had a smart ones fettucini dinner I had a cutlet of chicken. Will weigh myself tomorrow am. The lowest I got today was 203.2 damn you TOM delaying my trip to ONEderland! Some motivating pics to keep me on track. Stay tuned...

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 12 Day 86 RECAP

Well today is a pick up shift for me for work. So I was able to go the gym at the Hospital and do an hour of cardio. I also walked from the train station which was a mile and a half and burned 232 calories walking I used another app that I absolutely love The cardio I burned about 734 calories or so using the elliptical and i did 30 minutes at level 12 and 30 minutes level 13. My eagerness for my weigh on Sunday has been thwarted because T.O.M. came over to visit starting today. I will do everything in my power to make it to ONEderland but the pressure is on. I do have food craving and that should have been the tip off. I will also do about of cardio in the morning before I go home and walk to the train station. I am off for three days after tonights overnight. Stay Tuned...

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 12 Day 85 RECAP

This week has taught me how to stay motivated and to overcome obstacles that may come in your way. This is life! Nobody said its going to be an easy road. I also have to be more diligent with writing my blog, this not only provides motivation later down the road for me and you but this is my chronicle of my journey that i'll will hopefully look back on fondly. The problems that arose was Tuesday night I went to my car at 10pm to head into work and my car won't start, my car has been acting up and I was basically trying to make it to Thursday to put it in the shop but apparently I didn't make it. So I've been tight with money particularly this week since I paid some major bills. The kicker is that I got a $75 ticket for not moving my car for alternate side of the street parking. Gotta love NY! Not having a car poses many problems for me. I need it to get to work along with to get to the gym. It bothers me more that I'm so close to wonderland and now can't make it to the friggin gym. I decided to take the bus which I thought was a good idea but since I workout twice a day that will cost me about $10 a day which right now isn't feasible. So I started to do the exercise videos that I have purchased at home. I have no problems when I'm working I can use the gym at work but I have to commute by train. But when I'm off for six days if I can't take the bus to the gym I have to workout at home, so far it's allowed me to keep up my workouts. When I weigh in on Sunday we will see if its enough. Enough particularly since I'm so close to wonderland. Stay tuned.....

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Weight Loss Journey Week 12 Day 81

So Im am all consumed with making into ONEderland. I am quite dissapointmed that I didnt reach this short term goal as of yet. I did finally realize that I HAVE to bring food when I work overnights. I have been eating pure junk, especially when I thought my goal was in my sites. I did good cardio this morning even though I lost my headphones before wenth the gym. Had Special K Red Berry Cereal Lunch I made grilled chicken and also had a slice of pizza with a 12oz can of pepsi. Dinner I had a cheese quesedilla with SoBe water. My pre wprk workout was successful as we..;. Beast Mode is on for Onederland

Friday, June 14, 2013

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 11 Day 78

So if you haven't gathered I took a right today. I made a right at bad choice it all started with my overnight shift. Trying to be smart and having just fruit along with working out I starved and had the worst caloric overnight food from the vending machine I had a ham egg,cheese and
L on a bagel with a 20oz snapple apple. Breakfast I had a buttered roll and a 4oz piece of steak. Lunch I had a protein shake and Special K pastry crisps. Dinner I had beef fried rice with a 23oz can of ice tea (again) and a slice and 1/2 of pizza with peppers. Cardio I did the elliptical at level 10,11 then 12 and later did the elliptical again random level 11 and went over by 131 calories. Stay tuned... 

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 11 Day 77

Thursday was a ok day, there were a lot things I could have done better. Which was probably the catalyst for my Bad Choices Friday. During my overnight shift I had a 310 calorie bag of chips, a scoop of tuna fish. Breakfast I had my Special K protein shake and some water. So breakfast started out good lunching had a pint of beef fried rice with a 23 oz can of Arizona Ice Tea. Then I ate meet to have. Preemptive strike and have only fruit for breakfast a peach, plum and a yellow nectarine which I ended up starving have a 120z can of coca cola and a cup of chicken noodle soup. I did go straight home slept a little in the am and went to the gym did my warm up then cardio and later did my second cardio which left me with 485 calories available. This picture depicts my poor food choices today. Stay tuned...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 11 Day 76

Today was a pretty sweet day, my much anticipated Day Off. My body and soul needed this rest. I was very careful as to what I are since I had no supplemental exercise calories to work with. Today is also the start of night one of eight nights working in a row. I made sure I got plenty of rest to keep my sleep and energy up for the next eight days. Breakfast I had the Special K protein shake and Special K pastry crips with water, lunch I had the smart ones Salisbury steak it came with Mac and cheese but that was disgusting. As a snack later I had a peach and a apricot along with more water. Dinner I had at the hospital cafe a cheeseburger on wheat bread and a pickle. Not much else to report on my off day. Meeting up with a nurse at the hospital to workout with tomorrow should be fun ❤ stay tuned...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 11 Day 75

Today I had a really late start to my workout day. My first (and only) workout today was at 5pm. I did the elliptical trainer for 65 minutes level 10 and a 10 minute warm up on the bike level 11. great sweat, see picture below.Breakfast I did great protein shake with Special K strawberry crisps. Lunch I had a smart ones three ziti. With water and a small peach and small apricot. Today is my last night off so I have to work the next eight nights before my next night off for six days. I'm ok with that. I spent the night on the couch trying to get my son to sleep and got sleepy myself. I will use my off day Wednesday to make up the ARCTRAINER missed workout. Dinner well that's where I screwed up AGAIN I had a pint of beef fried rice with a 23 oz can of Arizona iced tea. Tomorrow is another day. I also am very ecstatic at the fact that I can now fit the scrubs that I couldn't fit in before. So happy I may wear the top tomorrow. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 11 Day 74

Today was another good day. The workouts are already starting to feel easier. I still have yet to get to the gym at 5am but it's ok. Jayden has not been sleeping well during the night or shall I say doesn't want to sleep in HIS bed. Breakfast I had my usual Special K Protein Shake with strawberry crisps. My first workout I did a 10 minute bike warm up then did my 60 minutes on the ARCTRAINER. Lunch I had a Smart ones pizza and Swiss cheese and a small apricot. I mostly drank SoBe water and realized the pomegranate cherry has 100 calories but the others I drank today didn't Whew! Bought a new Brita water bottle I seemed  to have lost ANOTHER ONE! Dinner I failed yet again had a pint of beef fried rice and a 24 oz can of Arizona Iced tea. As usual went over sodium and sugars today #Boo later I did my second workout and had to buy bootleg iPhone headphones (they sound terrible) a total waste of 10 BUCKS! 😡 I took snap shots of my warm ups and cardios that I did today. Stay tuned...

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 11 Day 73

Well as you can already tell Sunday was  an amazing day for me. My weigh in was the best although last week I did so bad, if I had of weighed myself I would have seen I actually done better. First thing on Sundays as usual I did my weigh in. I now weigh 201.4 almost in ONEDERLAND❤ (out of the 200lbs) breakfast I had a Special K protein shake with the Special K blueberry crisps and my multivitamin with water. Lunch I had my gift to myself suez human chicken with beef fried rice and a tall can of Arizona iced tea. Snacks I had 1-2oz of Swiss cheese and snacks Iand I skipped dinner. My first workout I did the ARCTRAINER and second workout I did the elliptical. stay tuned...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 10 Weigh In

Listen Up I did great. New Weight 201.4lbs I could just scream I's so Happy. Stay Tuned

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 10 Day 71

Today I was feeling good out of the gate! I got up did my cardio, I did the easy first Elliptical Trainer for 60 Minutes Manaual at Level 10. Breakfast I has a protein shake and special k blueberry crisps. I later did a mini weigh in I don't know if it will stick for Sundays weigh in I was 203.5 I can't get over it. Mind you it was after breakfast and that first workout which I was sweating bullets. Still excited Lunch I had a pint of beef fried rice with a 12oz can of coke (because of my new found weight) (I am an idiot). Then did my second workout the ARCTRAINER for 60 minutes 30 minuts 1:1 Interval Level 5 and the Weight Loss program at level 6 for thirty minutes. I took my son for a walk and had a small mcdonals fries. I skipped dinner because of all the snacking I did I had one ouce of swiss cheese, 27 special crisps. My workout felt great. I posted a picure of the second best time of my life when I was boxing, I love and miss it but I had such dedication. I use this picture to keep me motivated. Back then you didnt have to make me do anything, I was told to even slow down. Weight on Sunday Stay Tuned.....

Friday, June 7, 2013

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 10 Day 70

My goal was to Go to gym early this morning but I slept and I got there around 10 AM. I did the Arctrainer for 60 minutes I burned 692 calories and did a 10 minute warm-up on the recumbent  bike for 10 minutes to burn 75 calories. The ARCTRAINER level I do now is 1:1 Interval Level 5 for 30 minutes and Weight Loss Program Level 6 for 30 minutes. When I do the elliptical trainer I do manual at level 10 for 60 minutes. Lunch I had a Smart Ones Thin Crust Cheese Pizza it was so amazingly good. It's a new menu and I tried their fajita yesterday it was so good too although the rice was disgusting. Here is what the box looks like.  Dinner I did have another smart one the three cheese ziti and water went back to the gym did the elliptical trainer for 60 minutes burned about 700 calories I still left over calories so I had a slice of white pizza and a can of coke. Below is a snapshot of myfitnesspal pal ans all of what I ate. stay Tuned...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 10 Day 69

Today everything was a late start but got things done. This morning ended my eight shift working overnight in the RR and I have the next is nays off to kill my cardio, sleep and enjoy time with my son. I work the eight on six off for this very reason. I had a lot of snacks during the overnight I counted the calories before I ate them to ensure I didn't waste my calories for the day on crap! Breakfast I had a Special K red berry cereal and lunch I had a smart ones chicken Parm with water dinner I had a smart ones chicken fajita which was delish. I stopped at Target and got some supplies to get me through the week. Special K protein shakes etc. my first cardio I did at 5pm this week I decided to up my resistance on the ARC TRAINER  and stay in that machine for an hour and later did 30 mins on the elliptical and abs. Tomorrow will be even better 👏❤❤ astray tuned... This is a pic of my summer hairstyle 

Weight Loss Journey 2013 Week 10 Day 68

So sorry guys, I fell off the face of the earth and have not posted in a week. I did workout three times last week, only once a day. I did terrible eating I fell off the wagon but I am back ON. I am dissapointed in myself and having a relapse not only that I had hair issues (got a new hairstyle) car problem (overheating) and TOM came (time of the month) and Memorial Day (ate pretty bad). I have developed some fail proof plans to work around obstacles like no car etc. What is new is now I use it is a great site for logging your food and exercise and helping to reach your weight loss goals. Add me as a friend on my name is Faithwebste4r on there. I have also learned to forgive yourself and keep moving. SO as you have seen in my previous post my new nemesis is the ARCTRAINER. Today for breakfast I had a buttered roll and SoBe water, lunch I had a smart ones lasagna with meat sauce and dinner had a pint of beef fried rice and more water. Cardio I did the ARCTRAINER for 60 minutes 2:1 Ratio Level 4 and the elliptical for 20 minutes. This picture is of the machine I will conquer   Stay Tuned...